Cirrhosis, also known as liver cirrhosis or hepatic cirrhosis, is a condition in which the liver does not function properly due to long-term damage. This damage is characterized by the replacement of normal liver tissue by scar tissue. Typically, the disease develops slowly over months or years.
Hepatitis and chronic alcohol abuse are frequent causes of liver cirrhosis. Initially patients may experience fatigue, weakness and weight loss. During later stages, patients may develop jaundice (yellowing of the skin), gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal swelling and confusion.
Homeopathy is extremely effective in the management of a large variety of diseases of the liver. Patients with simple self-limiting conditions like Hepatitis A to those suffering from the more complicated conditions like cirrhosis of the liver and hepato-cellular carcinoma, can benefit with homeopathic treatment.
If the patient comes to us in the early stages, homeopathic treatment can keep the disease arrested and, in many cases, improve it to an extent that it becomes undetectable. In patients who have advanced cirrhosis, our treatment is directed towards keeping the disease arrested and maintaining a high quality of life for the patient. Difficult signs and symptoms like build-up of large amounts of fluid in the abdomen (ascites) and bleeding from dilated veins of the food pipe (oesophageal varices) are also effectively managed with homeopathic treatment.