A painful, swollen lump that is filled with pus is characterized as an Abscess. It happens when an area in the body becomes infected. Abscesses are also caused by obstruction of sebaceous glands or sweat glands, inflammation of hair follicles, or minor breaks and punctures of the skin.
Germs get under the skin or into these glands. The body's immune system sends white blood cells to fight with the germs. These cells collect and combine with the damaged tissue and germs, creating liquid called pus.
People with weakened immune systems get certain abscesses more often.
Since, abscesses develop in an individual due to decreased immune response, homoeopathy medicines are known to work at immunity level which helps to increase the fighting capability of an individual. Our medicines work safely and surely in preventing the recurrences. At the same time they help in getting rid of the problem without causing any side-effects associated with frequent usage of antibiotic.