Pityriasis alba is a skin condition, a type of dermatitis, commonly seen in children and young adults. It is characterized by red, scaly patches that resolve leaving areas of scaling hypo-pigmentation, or lighter coloration. Skin patches show up on areas like face, neck, arms, shoulders, or belly. The cause of Pityriasis alba is unknown.

Pityriasis Alba becomes worse in summer season; it becomes more prominent as the skin tans in the surrounding area due to sun exposure.
Although the condition typically lasts six to twelve months or more without treatment, Pityriasis Alba usually resolves after puberty or by the time the child reaches adulthood. But, in resistant cases, some homeopathic medicines help recovery. Patients can be relieved of symptoms like inflammation, irritation, and reddishness in a short time and the condition can be made to disappear without any side-effects through Homeopathy.

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